Mileage: 20.8
Camp: 496.8
Man it was hot today. I woke up sweating. I had made camp right on the trail up on the side of a mountain. I was fully exposed in the sunlight so I packed up and ate while on the move.
Eventually the trail ascended into more wooded area and I had a little shade. I was cooling off and moving at a pretty good pace when I walked around a corner and nearly had a heart attack. Some animal- some thing- was in the bushes. Something I didn't recognize. For half a second it scared me, it was like a gnome or something.
As soon as I could see it clearly it was obvious it was a doll.
A creepy ass doll.
Who would hide it in the bushes?
I saw a ton of tracks today. I see deer tracks a lot now, and so don't take many pictures of them, but the mountain lion tracks are still pretty impressive.
I actually met someone restocking a water cache today! What is the timing of that! Kind of cool that I got to thank them in person. Thanks Kimberly Powell Flores! If there was no water there, that section would have been horrible.
I hiked again until about nine o'clock. I came to the intersection of four dirt OHV roads high in the mountains after dark.
It was pretty windy, just windy enough that I was having second thoughts about cowboy camping. There was nowhere up here to tuck out of the wind.
There was supposed to be a big concrete fire tank up here with water, but I couldn't find it anywhere. It was way too dark. It would have to wait til morning, I had enough to last til then.
I set up my tent and was staring at the stars. I hadn't been there three minutes when one of the biggest spiders I've ever seen crawls up the mesh on my tent and over my face.
Inches away.
It had to be a tarantula but it kind of looked like the wolf spiders we used to have back in Tenneseee when I was a kid.
I roll to get my camera and turn back and the thing is GONE. I hurriedly checked the zippers on my tent to make sure they were closed. I definitely had no regrets on setting up my tent tonight.
God, I wonder what crawls on me when I don't?
I don't wanna know.
Tommorrow, I'm thinking about going for it. Going all out. Try to catch Joe and Dan.
Dan had a day on me, Joe more than two. Now, according to the registers they're only a day ahead.
I think it's possible.
Tommorrow, deathmarch.
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